Today was an Ordinary day UNTIL something Extraordinary happened. It started with a random call from an old neighborhood friend who reached out to me on Facebook.  He had reached out to me the week before and then contacted me by phone today.
He started the conversation, talking about how proud he was of me for my recent educational accomplishment and then started sharing with me something he said he wanted to share with me for years.  Well…that of course that sparked my curiosity and I was all ears.
He started by saying “Thank you for having a profound effect on my lifeâ€.  You know the pause you are to have in public speaking… it went on way too long… I was silent.  I was thinking  to myself that (1) I usually don’t have that effect on men lol and (2)  what on earth is this guy thinking…me having a profound effect on someone!
He went on to say that when he was younger he was very dark… almost pitch black in color. Because of this he was teased by everyone, even his own race. He said that one day, I walked across the street and said to him “You have the most beautiful skin and color that I have ever seen! It is so smooth and silky!† He said from that day on he no longer thought of his dark complexion as being bad and that his entire image of himself changed.
I tell this story to say three things:
- You never know what message God uses you to give to someone.
- Work on getting those points in heaven by doing good deeds that are of the heart.
- Be grateful for the blessing you able to hear about  concerning  your good deeds as some or stored and never revealed to you.
I end in a prayer…
“Thank you God for helping me to continue to send your messages to those in need. Â Let me continue to realize that it is you that teaches me how to communicate to others. Â Let me always remember that things and messages like these are not of me, but of you, and to always remember to give you heavenly father, the praise and glory!