Category Archives: Stress relief

How to Conquer Your Cobra

Edge God In Podcast 110: How to Conquer Your Cobra | Host: Lauren E Miller, M.Ed

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Support Resources: Stop Letting the World Be the Boss of You!

Hearing His Whisper:

Stress Relief Video Techniques: Click Here

Learning Objective: Understand 3 ways to conquer your cobra. That serpent in life that flips you into fear, self-doubt and worry. Learn a powerful stress relief technique at the end.

Scriptures: Psalm 91 | John 10:1-18

Lord, so often I am minding my own business and then Shazam I come face to face with a cobra on my path. That serpent that flips me into fear, self-doubt and worry. Give me the wisdom and grace to make you my dwelling place, fortress and refuge quicker today than yesterday.

Edge God In: Podcast 42: How to Drop Your Jealousy Spear

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Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the negative impact of jealous & suspicious behavior in your life.
  • Learn how to erase & replace the negative thoughts that fuel insecurity.

Dear Lord,

HELP! I’m drowning in the deep waters of jealousy, envy and suspicion. Too often I find myself gripping ahold of the spear of jealousy that not only pierces my own heart but is targeted at other people around me. Override my suspicious mind that creates story through mind-reading and fortune telling. Remind my mind of what my soul always knows: I am enough in and through you. You were not confined by status. Help me to be free from comparisons and envy that rob my life of the fullness of joy your died to give me. Fashion my heart after yours and set me free from being self- absorbed. I am YOUR ambassador and you are making YOUR appeal through me…have your way with me in spite of myself. No need for envy and comparisons. Help me to grip ahold of the sword of the Spirit and cut off jealousy by robbing it of my time and attention and filling my mind with your WORD.

Scripture Readings to Explore:

1 Samuel 18:11, 19:10, 20:33 (Read full chapters for context)

Psalm 119, 121

Galatians 3:3

Ephesians 6

2 Timothy 1:7

Edge God In Podcast 17: Want to Be Happy? Stop Being Selfish

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Dear Lord,

I am so guilty of being selfish…help me to STOP IT! To get over myself and let you take the wheel in all situations. Happiness returns when I think of you and ways in which I can help other people. Help me to forget about the things that don’t work out for me, or go my way and shift my focus on being present to you and your will in my life. More of you less of me. Happiness is my way when humility and generosity drive my behaviors, this is a divine joy for you Jesus, make me more like you today than yesterday. 

Click Here to Download the PDF Edge God In Bible Study for this Podcast: Edge God In Podcast 35- Want to Be Happy Stop Being Selfish


Edge God In Podcast 34: Holding Patterns: Are You In One?

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Dear Lord,

Too often I find myself in a state of fear and anxiety as I wait for a specific response from another person or a desired outcome. Help me to know that you do some of your greatest work within my soul in the midst of holding patterns in life. Godly character is formed and refined in the midst of waiting on and trusting in you. Up my ability to trust that you are working on my behalf in the midst of the wait. Fill me with trust and patience more today than yesterday so that my joy and sense of safety remains constant whether I know or whether I don’t know. You know and that is enough for me.

Holy Scripture Focus:

Mark 5:212-40

John 3:30

John 16: 12-13

2 Peter 3:8-9

Edge God In Podcast 33: How to Release Attachments that Stress You Out!

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Dear Lord,

Help! I am attached to positions, responses, people and situations outside of myself and it’s stressing me out. Fill me with the ability to choose 1 attachment: my heart to yours, my will to yours. It is for freedom that you have set me free from the shiny objects and loud voices in the world, help me to declare with conviction what St. Paul declared at the end of his life: I consider all things a loss compared to the surpassing knowledge of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Interrupt me when I am spun out because I have attached my meaning and significance to the outside world. Bring me back home to you where my peace is profound and my joy is complete.

Holy Scripture Focus:

  • Matthew 16:24-26
  • Philippians 3:4-14
  • 1 Timothy 5:3-10


Edge God In Podcast 11: How to Tame the Tongue

Dear Lord I have the ability to set the entire course of my life on fire simply by a careless word fueled by a negative thought, conclusion or assumption about myself or another person. Forgive me Lord for allowing my tongue to direct the course of my life. Just like a small rudder on a boat, my tongue can run my entire ship into ruin. Override my negative thinking and words and remind my mind that in you I have the ability to speak LIFE into my inner dialogue and the lives of those entrusted to my care. Teach me how to tame my tongue so that every word that spills out of my mouth flows from your mind and heart. Help me to not let my tongue be the boss of me, I want to resurrect your power within me so that you become the boss of my thoughts and words. Fill my mind with all that is good, right, beautiful, excellent and praise worthy and make my words flow from this sanctuary of beauty.

Click Here to Download the PDF Edge God In Bible Study for this Podcast: EdgeGodIn Podcast 11 How to Tame Your Tongue

Edge God In Podcast 31: Don’t Let Stress Be the Boss of You

Dear Lord, remind my mind, for this is the true battleground for victory over stress, that your presence within me is greater than any encounter I will experience with outer circumstances. Too often I forget that you have already overcome all that I feel has overcome me. I am not my struggle, opinions of other people or even the pain and anguish I experience on this journey of life. I am your child and you have woven within me the ability through Christ to move any mountain I face, to tear down any lie or false conclusion that speaks death into my perceptions rather than life.

Edge God In Podcast 31: Don’t Let Stress Be the Boss of You

Click Here to Download the PDF Edge God In Bible Study for this Podcast: EdgeGodIn Week 30- Don’t Let Stress Be the Boss of You


Edge God In Podcast 14: Emotional Intelligence in God: Step 1 | Host: Lauren E Miller

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Emotional Intelligence in Christ Project: Book & Course Now Launched

Support Resources: Hearing His Whisper, with Every Storm Jesus Comes Too

Hearing His Whisper:

Holy Spirit, grant me wisdom. Show me who you have created me to be in this world. Help me to see myself as God sees me rather than how I judge myself. I give you permission to remove everything within me that is not of God, that does not glorify Him or make Him recognizable in my life: my judgments…towards self and others…my conclusions about life that are based in story verses reality, including assuming and mind reading. I am nothing without you Lord, and with you I am everything and feel complete, significant and valued. Refresh me Lord so that I remain in you. Have your way with me in spite of myself.

Edge God In Podcast 14: Leadership: Self-Awareness EQ

Self-Awareness => Self-Management

Social Awareness => Relationship Management

Click Here to Download the PDF Edge God In Bible Study for this Podcast: EdgeGodIn Week 13- 1st Step in Emotional Intelligence

Edge God In Podcast 12: 5 Power Themes You Want to Know

Sweet Jesus you call me to take every thought captive and make it obedient to you, perhaps this is the 1 practice that will allow me to release stress and anxiety within my life. Give me the grace today to pray about everything that spins or bumps me out of your peace that passes all human understanding. The world screams for my attention as hundreds of shiny objects cross my path in a day. May gentleness flow through my intonation to myself and those around me.

Edge God In Podcast 12: 5 Power Themes You Want to Know

Click Here to Download the PDF Edge God In Bible Study for this Podcast: EdgeGodIn Week 12 5 Themes You Want to Know


How to Renew Your Mind


“Be Transformed by the renewing of your MIND.” Romans 12:1


When Moses asked God, “Who Should I say sent me?” God replied,

“I Am”. ‘I Am’ is a declaration of identity. God is the

great I Am omnipresent creator of life. YOU are created in

his image and have the same ability to create your reality

through your thoughts which create your words which

create your perceived reality. Stay awake at the gate of

your thoughts.


Be very careful of your choice of words after ‘I Am’ or

‘My’ statements. What ever you choose to put after those

statements becomes linked to your sense of identity.


Instead of:


I Am sick

I Am exhausted

I Am overwhelmed

My tremor

My illness

My pain

My lonliness

My negative thoughts



Try speaking these:


I Am a child of God, ALL things are possible for me

I Am healthy

I Am energized

I Am capable of coming up with creative solutions

I Am strong

I Am joyful

I Am loving

I Am grateful

My ability to succeed

My ability to heal

My ability to create positive, healthy relationships

My ability to focus on what is working out for me


Stay AWAKE at the GATE of your thoughts knowing they form

your spoken words. Your body follows the commands you speak

which create your perspectives on life which become your


Dear God I give you permission to override me when I take my focus off of you and put it on me and my situation. Grant me the ability to remember that I am not my circumstance unless I choose to be. That you have already overcome all that I feel has overcome me. I want the ability to pause between what happens outside of me in order to invite YOU into my responses. Remind my mind that with YOU all things are possible!

Because of His Love,

Lauren <><