Edge God In Podcast 17: Want to Be Happy? Stop Being Selfish


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Dear Lord,

I am so guilty of being selfish…help me to STOP IT! To get over myself and let you take the wheel in all situations. Happiness returns when I think of you and ways in which I can help other people. Help me to forget about the things that don’t work out for me, or go my way and shift my focus on being present to you and your will in my life. More of you less of me. Happiness is my way when humility and generosity drive my behaviors, this is a divine joy for you Jesus, make me more like you today than yesterday. 

Click Here to Download the PDF Edge God In Bible Study for this Podcast: Edge God In Podcast 35- Want to Be Happy Stop Being Selfish


Edge God In Podcast 34: Holding Patterns: Are You In One?


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Dear Lord,

Too often I find myself in a state of fear and anxiety as I wait for a specific response from another person or a desired outcome. Help me to know that you do some of your greatest work within my soul in the midst of holding patterns in life. Godly character is formed and refined in the midst of waiting on and trusting in you. Up my ability to trust that you are working on my behalf in the midst of the wait. Fill me with trust and patience more today than yesterday so that my joy and sense of safety remains constant whether I know or whether I don’t know. You know and that is enough for me.

Holy Scripture Focus:

Mark 5:212-40

John 3:30

John 16: 12-13

2 Peter 3:8-9

Edge God In Podcast 33: How to Release Attachments that Stress You Out!


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Dear Lord,

Help! I am attached to positions, responses, people and situations outside of myself and it’s stressing me out. Fill me with the ability to choose 1 attachment: my heart to yours, my will to yours. It is for freedom that you have set me free from the shiny objects and loud voices in the world, help me to declare with conviction what St. Paul declared at the end of his life: I consider all things a loss compared to the surpassing knowledge of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Interrupt me when I am spun out because I have attached my meaning and significance to the outside world. Bring me back home to you where my peace is profound and my joy is complete.

Holy Scripture Focus:

  • Matthew 16:24-26
  • Philippians 3:4-14
  • 1 Timothy 5:3-10


Edge God In Podcast 11: How to Tame the Tongue


Dear Lord I have the ability to set the entire course of my life on fire simply by a careless word fueled by a negative thought, conclusion or assumption about myself or another person. Forgive me Lord for allowing my tongue to direct the course of my life. Just like a small rudder on a boat, my tongue can run my entire ship into ruin. Override my negative thinking and words and remind my mind that in you I have the ability to speak LIFE into my inner dialogue and the lives of those entrusted to my care. Teach me how to tame my tongue so that every word that spills out of my mouth flows from your mind and heart. Help me to not let my tongue be the boss of me, I want to resurrect your power within me so that you become the boss of my thoughts and words. Fill my mind with all that is good, right, beautiful, excellent and praise worthy and make my words flow from this sanctuary of beauty.

Click Here to Download the PDF Edge God In Bible Study for this Podcast: EdgeGodIn Podcast 11 How to Tame Your Tongue