Let Faith Override Fear In The New Year

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Edge God In Podcast 183: Let Faith Override Fear In The New Year

EdgeGodIn.com | Host: Lauren E Miller

Championing Human Potential in Christ

Download Bible Study Template

Emotional Intelligence in Christ Project: Book & Course Now Launched

Support Resources: Hearing His Whisper, with Every Storm Jesus Comes Too

Hearing His Whisper: https://amzn.to/3nNxdya

Stress Relief Video Techniques: Click Here https://laurenemiller.com/stress-relief-coaching-expert/

Learning Objective: Explore two powerful encounters in the Scriptures with an Archangel and compare 2 difference reactions as you reflect on your own journey between fear and faith.

Scriptures: Luke 1

Prayer: Dear Lord, I have a choice with each unexpected circumstance to choose my response. Help me to respond as Mary did to her calling with faith and curiosity so that I override fear, doubt and my need for assurance. You are my Lord and I trust in you for my safety, thank you for saving me again and again from myself.

Connecting To Emotional Intelligence in Christ Step 2: Self-Management/Self-Control

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Edge God In Podcast 182: Connecting To Emotional Intelligence: Step 2: Self-Management/Self-Control

EdgeGodIn.com | Host: Lauren E Miller and Co-Host Ken Voges, Adjunct Professor at Dallas Seminary

Championing Human Potential in Christ

Download Bible Study Template

Emotional Intelligence in Christ Project: Book & Course Now Launched

Support Resources: Hearing His Whisper, with Every Storm Jesus Comes Too

Hearing His Whisper: https://amzn.to/3nNxdya

Stress Relief Video Techniques: Click Here https://laurenemiller.com/stress-relief-coaching-expert/

Learning Objective: Learn 5 components of self-management that Jesus modeled and explore how to use them with the help of the Holy Spirit to up your emotional intelligence in Christ.

Scriptures: Matthew 4:1-4 | Psalm 91:11-12 | Deuteronomy 6:16 | Matthew 4:8-10 | Matthew 26:36-45 | Luke 6:6-11

Prayer: Dear Lord, without you I am nothing, my emotions can easily hijack me out of your perfect peace and ruin my day and the day of people around me…help me to be victorious through the Holy Spirit within me so that I love others as you love me.

Exploring Altruism – Part 2: Learning How to Model Christlike Behavior 

Edge God In Post

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Edge God In Podcast 181: Exploring Altruism – Part 2: Learning How to Model Christlike Behavior

This is part two of a three-part series on Altruism that explores knowing God’s intention for us, how to model Christlike behavior, and how to act in altruistic relationships through the activation of the Holy Spirit.  

EdgeGodIn.com | Host: Dr. Estella Chavous

Championing Human Potential in Christ

Emotional Intelligence in Christ Project: Book & Course Now Launched

Learning Objective: To understand how to model the behavior of Christ


Matthew 5:16, | Luke 12:33-34 | 2nd Timothy 1:7 | Ephesians 3:17-19 | 2Corinthians 9


Dear Lord, 

Heavenly Father, I come to you in thanks and praise. Please open our minds to understand further the altruistic nature you have for us. Our goal is to model your behavior in all that we do, and we pray that you bring our attention back to you so we can do this. Thank you for the countless blessings you give us daily, the acts of Altruism given to us, noticed and unnoticed, for being our father, and for the love and protection, you continually give us. Amen.

That’s Not Fair!

Subscribe: To access this podcast on your mobile device GO TO the Podcast APP found on your phone and search for: Edge God In, click SUBSCRIBE or simply listen to the latest podcast from Edge God In Ministries. Join our Facebook Page Community: Edge God In

To Subscribe with other options: Click Here

Edge God In Podcast 180: That’s Not Fair!

EdgeGodIn.com | Host: Lauren E Miller and Co-Host Father Nathan Cromly, President and Founder of St. John Institute: https://stJohninstitute.org

Championing Human Potential in Christ

Download Bible Study Template

Emotional Intelligence in Christ Project: Book & Course Now Launched

Support Resources: Hearing His Whisper, with Every Storm Jesus Comes Too

Hearing His Whisper: https://amzn.to/3nNxdya

Stress Relief Video Techniques: Click Here https://laurenemiller.com/stress-relief-coaching-expert/

Learning Objective: Learn how to be a Mary in a Martha world in order to maintain inner peace and purpose in the face of unjust situations.

Scriptures: Luke 10:38-42

Prayer: Dear Lord, grant me the grace to experience the love you have for me. Help me to open my heart and invite you into my interior world. Come and teach me the ways of love.