7 Things to Quit Doing from CS Lewis

Edge God In Podcast 268: 7 Things to Quit Doing from CS Lewis

EdgeGodIn.com | Host: Lauren E Miller

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Learning Objective: Learn 7 things to quit doing from one of the best influential writers, CS Lewis to create more space for your relationship with God.

  1. Anything that doesn’t feed the Spirit: quit pouring yourself into things that add zero value to your life.
  2. Quit hanging out with the wrong people.
  3. Quit criticizing yourself and others.
  4. Quit magnifying what is going wrong.
  5. Quit over doing it.
  6. Quit people pleasing.
  7. Quit over thinking.

Scriptures: Philippians 4:8| 1 Corinthians 15:33 | Matthew 7:1-2 | Philippians 4:4-7 | Psalm 46:10 | Galatians 1:10 | Jeremiah 29:11

Prayer: Lord, help me to stop pouring myself into those things that add zero value to my life. Help me to remember you are my way, my truth and my life. I pray for the grace to lay these 7 things down and allow you to be sovereign over all that is within me.

Support Resources Referenced: 

Previous Edge God In Podcast: How to Love Out When You Hurt Within

Mere Christianity, by CS Lewis

Additional Support Resources:

Stop Letting the World Be the Boss of You! 25 Solutions to Refresh Your Identity in Christ

Award Winning Book Referenced: Hearing His Whisper…With Every Storm, Jesus Comes Too

Emotional Intelligence in Christ 6 Week Study Guide

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