Edge God In Podcast 41: Lions, Fire & Statues, Oh My!


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Dear Lord,

Grant me the faith of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego. Be my confidence as I go out into a world that is filled with idols of wood, gold, silver and clay. Help me resist the statues of the world that promise meaning and significance and yet suck the life right out of me, highjacking my identity and value, leaving me empty handed, longing for more. Help me to be quicker today than yesterday to run back to you when I fall prey to the lions of pride, selfishness and insecurity. Walk with me through the fire so that I don’t get burned up by the heat of my emotions when I don’t get what I want or think I deserve. Close the mouths of the lions that prowl around me trying to devour my sense of worth and value. I lack nothing in you. Resurrect a Daniel faith within me today moving forward so that  I believe IN, rely ON and TRUST in you alone more today than yesterday. Protect me from compliments and complaints that my heart would stay grounded in the mission for which it beats: to love and be loved by you, to declare to the world that you are the living God, enduring and steadfast forever! (Daniel 6:26).

Scripture Readings to Explore:

Daniel Chapters 1-6

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