How to Bear Fruit that will Last

Edge God In Podcast 260: How to Bear Fruit that will Last | Host: Lauren E Miller

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Learning Objective: Learn how to bear good fruit that will last. Discern the difference between good and bad fruit and how to navigate the choice.

Scriptures: John 15 | John 14 | Galatians 5:22-26

Prayer: Dear Lord, I give you permission to override me when I am giving my flesh permission to guide my Spirit. Free me from the bad fruit that flows from selfishness and pride. My humility and surrender be my way in life, seeking to do what you ask me to do: love.

Support Resources Referenced: 

Previous Edge God In Podcast: Campaigning for Christ Part 2

Edge God In Podcast: 5 Ways to Help You Discern God’s Will

Edge God Podcast: How to Be Certain in the Midst of Uncertainty

Award Winning Book Referenced: Hearing His Whisper…With Every Storm, Jesus Comes Too

Emotional Intelligence in Christ 6 Week Study Guide

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