How to Change Your Relationship with Undesirable Outcomes

Edge God In Podcast 252: How to Change Your Relationship with Undesirable Outcomes | Host: Lauren E Miller

Support Resources Referenced: 

Join us at Emotional Intelligence in Christ learn how to become the boss of your emotions with Jesus.

Extra resource: Litany of Trust

Last weeks Podcast: How to Turn an Obstacle into an Opportunity with Ed Reinhardt

Championing Human Potential in Christ

Download Bible Study Template

Learning Objective: Learn how to change your relationship with undesirable outcomes into trust, faith and endurance.

Scriptures: Psalm 23 | John 16:33 | James 1:1-11 | Psalm 37 (read through and highlight the word trust and the directives).

Jesus, in this world we will have trouble grant us the grace to take heart knowing you have overcome the world. Help us to remember in the midst of undesirable outcomes who is ultimately in charge.

Award Winning Books:

Hearing His Whisper, with Every Storm Jesus Comes Too

Stop Letting The World Be The Boss of You: 25 Solutions to Refresh Your Identity in Christ

Stress Relief Video Techniques: Click Here

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