“Faithful is He who calls you and He will bring it to pass.” 1 Thess. 5:24
When I was diagnosed with advanced cancer one week prior to my final divorce court date this verse kept popping into my head. I began to memorize the scripture when I first fell in love with Jesus and His teachings when I was a teenager. 1 Thess 5:24 was one of the first scriptures I memorized, not realizing at the time that it would come back to me in the midst of the dark night of the soul to strengthen me from the inside out. I remember giving more authority to what God said in this verse than to my circumstance when I felt my emotional ship sinking.
God promises to give us the necessary resources to walk through deep waters and climb the high mountains of life. I remember one particular moment when I was bald and breastless looking at image  in the mirror and saying to myself, “I don’t even recognize my physical appearance.” In the weight of that moment I heard another verse that I had memorized as a youth, “For God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outer appearance but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7
It continually amazes me how many times the Word of God pops into my mind sometimes years after I stored it in my heart to remind me of what my soul always knows: God is omnipresent and will never leave me nor forsake me; I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength.
This week take time to read God’s word, I first started with the Gospel of John when I first picked up the Bible as a teenager. Write down a scripture that supports the person you desire to be in this world and memorize it. Â Give God’s Word more authority in your life than fear, doubt or worry.
Because of His Love,
Lauren <><