Step into the Unfamiliar


Dear God,

Thank you for loving us enough to call us into the unfamiliar, reminding us of Godly character  and strength we too often lock up in the face of fear, doubt and worry. The unfamiliar reminds us of the person you call us to be in this world: faith-filled with a mission to make you recognizable.


Q. When in your life, perhaps it’s now, has God called you into the unfamiliar? A few examples:

  1. Abraham & Sarah: Having a baby at 90
  2. Moses in the Desert for 40 Years: Comes up on the “promise land” filled with Giants.
  3. Noah Building the Ark on Dry Land
  4. Lazarus Called Back from Death
  5. Peter Called to Walk on Water


Enjoy the Replay from our Recent Edge God In Virtual Bible Study:


Join us for our next virtual live Edge God In Bible Study Feb 8th at 7:15 am MST:  CLICK HERE to sign up.

Because of His Life,

Lauren <><

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