Want More Stress? Seek to Please People over God

“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Galatians 1:10

OOOOOOH this is a good one and worth repeating on a daily basis as a touch stone to help us identify and adjust those behaviors and thoughts that are seeking the approval of people over God.

A recent study revealed that the majority of Christians would be willing to compromise their beliefs for the sake of a promotion. Oh come on, God will understand, He knows we need to put food on the table. Take time this week to read through proverbs and refresh your mind on the things that flow from God’s wisdom and those thought patterns and responses that flow from the Drug of Approval and the Disease to Please.

Why can’t we have it both ways? Why can’t I try to please people and be a servant of Christ at the same time?

Personally I have found that when I enter a situation with hidden agendas to be seen, acknowledged or approved of in a certain way by the people around me I set myself up for a huge fall from imaginary greatness. The more I muck around in a people pleasing mission, the more vulnerable I become to rising and falling emotionally depending on how the world judges me at that time.

Truth being, if God were to cease to think of me, I would cease to exist.  I am on His time, not mine, for His purposes, not mine. God does not value what the world values, He uses the things that are often over looked and even looked down upon to shame the wise. Example: Jesus forgives a woman caught in adultery in front of those who gripping stones of judgement where brought to a place of humility with the invitation that continues to echo throughout all of time: “He who is without sin, cast the first stone.”  Shazam, Jesus does it again.

A worthy contemplation this week perhaps in light of the conflict of serving people over Christ comes in the form of three questions:

Why do I do what I do?

How does it further the great commission (God’s presence on earth through Jesus, making disciples of all nations)?

How much of my mind space, time and energy is taken up wondering how people will respond to what I do or create in this world or why they don’t respond?

“It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and do not allow yourself to be burdened by the yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

The truth of the matter is simple: you can never fully please people because the only thing that leads to complete contentment in this life flows from God alone, it’s like trying to squeeze lemon juice from a banana…why are you looking for the living among the dead?

Click Here to Explore 48 Bible Verses on Pleasing God rather than man.

Because of His Love,

Lauren <><

Would love to here your insights on this post. Why do you think it causes more stress if you seek to please people over God? 

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