All posts by LaurenEstella

True Freedom in Christ



“It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set you free, stand firm then and do not allow yourself to be burdened by the yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

Dear God,

Thank you that my greatest source and fuel for happiness in this life occurs behind closed doors, when no one is watching…the prayers, dances, songs and free expressions of who I am before you alone.

I am willing to consider the freedom that Jesus Christ of Nazareth had when he walked the earth.  Known as the Prince of Peace, he was not concerned about status or the opinions of other people.

This week I will explore letting go of my need to be seen, acknowledged and recognized in order to feel successful, loved and enough.

Fill me with an expansive Spirit of joy and laughter so that a levity around all things begins to emerge in all that I do and say.

I am grateful for another day to practice letting go of the non-essentials and nurture what I value most in this life.

Have your way with me in spite of myself…your way has never left me empty handed in this life.

“Teacher, we know that you are a truthful man and that you are not concerned with anyone’s opinion. You do not regard a person’s status but teach the way of God in accordance with the truth.” 
Mark 12:14

“A man is enslaved to whatever has mastered him.” 2 Peter 1:19

As you reflect on your own relationship with the world, what has mastered you in your life? Is it your environment? Opinions and reactions of other people? The need to be seen, acknowledged, and recognized?

Is it your behavior? My clients, who are seeking freedom from compulsive behavior, will often say, “I just can’t help myself.” This reveals a type of personal enslavement due to allowing some food, substance, situation, or person to master them over time, which in some cases results in a biological addiction.

The stress hormone is linked directly to your emotional state of mind and heart. Extended emotional stress often leads to personal enslavement, which usually walks hand in hand with unhealthy outlets. The key to freedom in situations like this lies in your ability to accept where you are at, accompanied with a desire for positive personal transformation and a choice to take a step in that direction.

Dear God, I choose this week to align my thoughts, words and deeds with my highest good and the good of all concerned. Through the power of the Holy Spirit I ignite my ability to choose my responses to life remembering that I hold the key to victimization and empowerment AND what I chose to think about sets in motion my reality. 

All things are possible for me, shrinking back and allowing myself to be burdened by the yoke of slavery to unhealthy masters is not how you created me to show up in this life. I choose you and all things good, right, true, beautiful and praise worthy. #faithwalk #freedominChrist #biblestudy 

Because of His Love,

Lauren <><

God’s Love in Constant


Remembering this will help you to bend in life rather than break. God’s love is a constant in your life. You just forget because of past pain and false beliefs. It is important to understand that God’s love is not defined by the way humans love. So, refrain from projecting your limitations and the limitations of others onto God. In spite of your feelings of scarcity at times on this journey, the abundance of God’s love remains constant.

Too often as human beings using only about five percent of our brain capacity, we will limit our perceptions of God based on our experiences with other humans.

Have you ever had a negative encounter with someone who claimed to know God, and you then misplaced your disappointment and frustra­tions from their actions onto God? Perhaps you even disengaged from your own pursuit of knowing and loving God as a result of another’s negative witness. God’s love is very different from how you love as a human being. This is why it is so essential to connect to God in our experience of loving in this world. Our love is limited. God’s love is limitless. Our love will often contain criteria and is conditional, God’s love simply is and exists beyond reason, condi­tions and requirements… it is unconditional and constant.

A verse from Isaiah 50:15-16 sums this chapter up beautifully: “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.” It is grounding and peaceful to remember that you are remembered constantly by love it­self.

For God so loved us that He gave His only son to set us free into the glorious freedom that comes from knowing the One who held nothing back to win our love. As Mother T. reminds us, we are like a fish in water, no matter where we swim we are engulfed by the love of God. God’s love is constant.

Because of His Love,



Praying Doctors

May and June are the traditional months for graduations and  celebrations of great accomplishments.  We know that the definition of commencement means ” a beginning or new start”,  but many times we look at graduation like it’s the end.

I was blessed to be in this photo with a group of doctoral students and we took the time right in the middle of the reception ceremony to praise God for the beginnings and responsibility he had given to each of us.

Although my physical and mental body worked hard for this doctorate degree the honor comes with great responsibly.   My vehicle is education but each of us has a unique God give path to begin.  We are to develop and prepare ourselves for the work and greatness that God has in store for each of us going forward.

I write this to say, that God gives each of us great responsibility no matter what your job or path is in life.  We just have to take that purpose or path we are on now and work to achieve great things in life using it to spread the message of Jesus Christ. No matter what you are celebrating are commencing, remember that it is through him that all things are possible.

Lets us not  forget the accomplishments that we achieve and be so for every humble of these gifts, so that in turn we are able to give back to others through our achievements!

~Dr. Stella



An Act of Forgiveness & Protection Prayer



I am heart broken and sadden with the tragedy this week in a South Carolina Church.  It is so sad to see Satin’s work and how being processed with evil can cause such harm.

What bring me joy is the tremendous amounts of forgiveness that these victims families had for their assailant.  This is a true testimony of faith and forgiveness.  They acted on Gods word even in the mist of this great tragedy.  Satin did not win with this one!

Protection Prayer

Heavenly father, I ask that you console those affected by this tragedy, I also ask that we are as strong when asked to forgive.   I pray ( Psalm 27 and 91) that noting like this happens again and that you protect our ministries, churches, and families.

~Dr. Stella

What Has Mastered You in Life?


“A man is enslaved to whatever has mastered him.” 2 Peter 1:19

As you reflect on your own relationship with the world, what has mastered you in your life? Is it your environment? Opinions and reactions of other people? The need to be seen, acknowledged, and recognized?

Is it your behavior? My clients, who are seeking freedom from compulsive behavior, will often say, “I just can’t help myself.” This reveals a type of personal enslavement due to allowing some food, substance, situation, or person to master them over time, which in some cases results in a biological addiction.

The stress hormone is linked directly to your emotional state of mind and heart. Extended emotional stress often leads to personal enslavement, which usually walks hand in hand with unhealthy outlets. The key to freedom in situations like this lies in your ability to accept where you are at, accompanied with a desire for positive personal transformation and a choice to take a step in that direction.

Dear God, I choose this week to align my thoughts, words and deeds with my highest good and the good of all concerned. Through the power of the Holy Spirit I ignite my ability to choose my responses to life remembering that I hold the key to victimization and empowerment AND what I chose to think about sets in motion my reality. 

All things are possible for me, shrinking back and allowing myself to be burdened by the yoke of slavery to unhealthy masters is not how you created me to show up in this life. I choose you and all things good, right, true, beautiful and praise worthy.

Because of His Love,

Lauren <><

God Breaks the Bars of Enslavement


The definition of being enslaved is to cause someone to lose their freedom of choice or action.  The thought of losing freedom in any form is cause for alarm, because it limits ones ability to be free and to produce the increase that God has promised.

“And the trees of the field shall yield their fruit, and the earth shall yield its increase, and they shall be secure in their land. And they shall know that I am the Lord, when I break the bars of their yoke, and deliver them from the hand of those who enslaved them.” —Ezekiel 34:27

God has promised us increase by breaking the bondage of doubt, depression, fear, stress, inability or anything else that lessen what is ours.  Acknowledge that you are free and that you can secure your land and all that is promised through Jesus Christ.

Know the he is lord and watch how he breaks the yokes in your life!

Thanks be to God!


Pursue What Leads to Life Satisfaction


One of the first verses I memorized at 17 was John 10:10: I have come that YOU may have LIFE and have it to the FULL.” Jesus desires for us to experience life satisfaction, to have a joy within us that does not rise and fall depending upon how the world judges us at a single moment in time.

The next verse I memorized was Galatians 5:1: “It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set you FREE stand firm then and do not allow yourself to be burdened by the yoke of slavery.” Slavery to what? To the shiny objects, selfish ambitions and the ‘Fame Game’ which distracts me from the fullness of life Jesus died to give me? The world screams and God whispers. In order for our ability to tune into those things that truly bring about the experience of Jesus proclamation: I have COME that you may have LIFE to the FULL, it is essential that we stand firm and not allow ourselves to be burdened by those things that perish within the human heart as quickly as they enter.

What do you spend your time pursuing in life? This will reveal the position of your heart. It is not so much what you do throughout the day of life you have been blessed with but the person behind what you do that reveals the presence of God through our words, thoughts, deeds and actions. Examine the motives behind those things you choose to pursue. Why are you spending your efforts in this direction? Will this produce fruit that will last or fruit that will give you a momentary hit of satisfaction? Why do you do what you do and does it align with the person you are committed to being in this world?

I woke up with this verse on my mind and in my heart: “He who pursues Righteousness & Love finds LIFE, PROSPERITY & HONOR” Proverbs 21:21
Righteousness: to be aligned with high moral standards. Life satisfaction flows easily when we are aligned with our highest good and the good of all concerned. “When I show up in life with nothing to hide because I practice humility; integrity; love and authenticity, my sleep is sound and content. I am willing to admit when I am wrong and I am conscious of good and bad behavior along with a willingness to learn, adjust and understand.”
Love: the ability to authentically seek the highest good of another person, often times associated with intense feelings of care, concern and affection. “When I love first and then step out and lead I put to the front lines of my response to another human being the following attributes: patience; kindness; gentleness; forgiveness; humility; trust; confidence; perseverance.”

Because of His Love,

Lauren <><

Stress Solutions for the Soul

Edge God In

Do what you do in life because of who YOU are, not because of how people respond to you. It is easy to love those who love you back. You resurrect the presence of God within you each time you make the choice to love and respond in kindness in the face of negativity. 

 Your authentic character expands in the midst of those moments when you love, serve and speak the truth in kindness because of who you are, not because you are feeling mutual love and kindness. 

 When you choose to show up with love & kindness, as you remain connected to God in the face of uncomfortable encounters, a feeling of deep satisfaction will often wash over you, this is because your soul had its way with you over your flesh.

 One of the most freeing prayers you can pray throughout your day is this: 

Dear God, grant me the grace to release my desire to be liked so that I will stay grounded in the person you have created me to be on earth: confident; loving; kind; peaceful; inspired; creative and capable of solution based responses free to be me without out worrying about what other people will think.

Stress or inner peace flow directly from your choice to serve your soul or your flesh in this world.  How much of your time in a day do you spend worrying about what others think, do and say? OR linger in the past or future?  Lean back into your soul where your worth and value remain in tact.

Dear God, I give my soul permission to guide my flesh into all of life today.  Grant me the grace to remember that with you all things are possible.  You call me to remain, remain, remain, remain in John 15, as the vine remains in the branch.  I give you permission today to have your way with me in spite of my wondering mind.  Ignite my soul and fill me with IN-Spiritation…so that nothing outside of me disrupts my confidence, love & inner peace.

Enjoy Your Gift of Life,

Lauren <><


Grief Is But A Season



Healing the lost of someone is never easy and lets face it you never get over it.  For me, there is not at day that goes by that I don’t think about my parents, especially my mom who brought me into this world.

So how does one manage through this grief?  As I contemplated on this question, I’ll share the 4 things that work for me.

  1. It’s a God thing and only he gives me the peace to deal with grief.
  2. It’s the Memories of how beautiful my love ones are and how they influenced my life.
  3. It’s  the word of God through Scripture that gives me comfort in my time of need.
  4. It’s other Christians, Family, and Friends that are connected to me through a common thread and discern my needs at just the right time.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 is a scripture that has helped me through the seasons of my life.  It reminds me that God knows my season and needs way before I do and he is there for me no matter what my season is.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that, which is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

~Dr. Stella







How to Hear the Voice of God



God Spoke & He Continues to Speak.

This verse comes from the Old Testament; it is Samuel’s response to hearing God speak his name. It took three times before Samuel actually responded to God as he thought that Eli, who was the priest taking care of him, was calling him in the middle of the night.

How many times has God spoken to us and we look for other options as to where the guidance is coming from? I have found that God speaks in sound bites, small impactful statements of guidance that rock our world. “Dear God may there be less lag time today than yesterday in my ability to hear and respond to your voice of guidance which says, ‘this is the way, walk in it.”

My first book, Hearing His Whisper, came from several years of Samuel’s prayer: “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.” I would put a question before God and listen. Then I would guess what I thought God may say which ultimately opened up my ability to grab the sound bites coming in. At first I questioned them as Samuel did: Why would God speak to me? Is this really His voice or mine? As I increased my confidence in the simple truth that the ONE who calls me into fellowship with Himself if faithful and He will do it. “Less of me more of You, Dear God” because the desire of my heart.

I invite you into the daily practice of Samuel’s prayer: Speak Lord, your servant is listening. Ask, seek, knock and listen for God’s sound bites in life. The quicker you respond the quicker you will find your ability to hear becomes.

“Dear God, where would you have me go today? What do you want me to think and say. I am on your time, not mine, for your purposes, not mine. Fill me up with all that you are so that all that I am this week makes you recognizable on earth.”

Because of His Love,
