Category Archives: Inspiration

Edge God In: Podcast 42: How to Drop Your Jealousy Spear

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Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the negative impact of jealous & suspicious behavior in your life.
  • Learn how to erase & replace the negative thoughts that fuel insecurity.

Dear Lord,

HELP! I’m drowning in the deep waters of jealousy, envy and suspicion. Too often I find myself gripping ahold of the spear of jealousy that not only pierces my own heart but is targeted at other people around me. Override my suspicious mind that creates story through mind-reading and fortune telling. Remind my mind of what my soul always knows: I am enough in and through you. You were not confined by status. Help me to be free from comparisons and envy that rob my life of the fullness of joy your died to give me. Fashion my heart after yours and set me free from being self- absorbed. I am YOUR ambassador and you are making YOUR appeal through me…have your way with me in spite of myself. No need for envy and comparisons. Help me to grip ahold of the sword of the Spirit and cut off jealousy by robbing it of my time and attention and filling my mind with your WORD.

Scripture Readings to Explore:

1 Samuel 18:11, 19:10, 20:33 (Read full chapters for context)

Psalm 119, 121

Galatians 3:3

Ephesians 6

2 Timothy 1:7

Edge God In Podcast 40: Do You Deserve God’s Mercy? Step into Nineveh’s Shoes

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Dear Lord,

Too often I sit on the Mercy seat and cast stones at myself and others. How can I give out what I have not experienced within my own relationship with you? Help me to feel your Mercy and Love more today than yesterday. Increase my desire to offer the kind of mercy you offered to the 120,000 people in Nineveh. Ignite within my heart the ability to rejoice in my brother’s and sister’s experience of your love and mercy more today than yesterday. Too often I am Jonah, angry and resentful that you are showing mercy to someone I don’t feel deserves it. “Let He who is without sin cast the first stone.”  Jesus, John 8:7.

Scripture Readings to Explore:

Jonah Chapters 1-4 (Focus on Chapter 4)

2 Peter 3:9

Edge God In Podcast 38: Jesus Rehab

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Dear Lord, you are the resurrection and the LIFE. Thank you for the opportunity to begin again with the gift of each new dawn. You have called us out of darkness into your light. Help us out of addiction and all of it’s alluring forms: approval, pleasure, drugs, alcohol, food, fashion, pornography, popularity, praise, position, power…we give you authority today to deliver us from all addictive behavior that has become a yoke of slavery in our life. Forgive us for allowing any of these vices the space in our mind and lives to master us. You are our only Master and offer us the freedom we truly long for, help us to stand firm and not allow ourselves to be burdened by the yoke of slavery to the shiny objects of the world which are all destined to perish with use. Deliver us Lord…deliver us!

In today’s Podcast you will hear a POWERFUL personal testimony of deliverance from Jacob Neubauer who at 12 years old began to enter a life as an addict and found deliverance in Jesus Christ by 24 years old…after, jail time and setbacks… he came home to Jesus: Jesus Rehab. (He welcomes any questions you may have or to simply to connect with him on his Facebook Page: 

Scripture Readings to Explore:

Luke 15: Lost Sheep/ Prodigal Son

2 Corinthians 11:4


Edge God In Podcast 11: How to Tame the Tongue

Dear Lord I have the ability to set the entire course of my life on fire simply by a careless word fueled by a negative thought, conclusion or assumption about myself or another person. Forgive me Lord for allowing my tongue to direct the course of my life. Just like a small rudder on a boat, my tongue can run my entire ship into ruin. Override my negative thinking and words and remind my mind that in you I have the ability to speak LIFE into my inner dialogue and the lives of those entrusted to my care. Teach me how to tame my tongue so that every word that spills out of my mouth flows from your mind and heart. Help me to not let my tongue be the boss of me, I want to resurrect your power within me so that you become the boss of my thoughts and words. Fill my mind with all that is good, right, beautiful, excellent and praise worthy and make my words flow from this sanctuary of beauty.

Click Here to Download the PDF Edge God In Bible Study for this Podcast: EdgeGodIn Podcast 11 How to Tame Your Tongue

Edge God In Podcast 32: W.O.W. Your Mind in Christ

Edge God In Podcast 32: W.O.W. Your Mind in Christ 

The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God. You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you. Romans 8:6-11

Click Here to Download the PDF Edge God In Bible Study for this Podcast: EdgeGodIn Podcast 32 WOW Your Mind In Christ


Edge God In Podcast: 5 Powerhouse Verses to Sift Your Soul

Edge God In Podcast 27

In the previous lesson, Podcast 26 we explored a lighter version of you. Continuing with the theme of a lighter you moving forward, we take a good look at 2 Timothy 3:1-5 as these 5 verses in the Holy Scripture offer us a powerful opportunity to reflect on behaviors that need some pruning from our lives in order to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

EdgeGodIn Podcast 23: Jesus Was Interruptible…Are You? | Host: Lauren E Miller

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Emotional Intelligence in Christ Project: Book & Course Now Launched

Support Resources: Hearing His Whisper, with Every Storm Jesus Comes Too

Hearing His Whisper:

Dear Lord, you allowed yourself to be interrupted for the sake of healing, encouragement, love, teachable moments and overall presence to those in need. Grant me the grace of the PAUSE to stop in the midst of all my doing and accomplishing to make myself present to those divine appointments that allow you to be recognizable in my ability to listen, love, heal and edify those people who cross my path today. I give you permission to override my EGO and ignite my desire to surrender my agenda for the sake of one soul who needs a word of encouragement, an act of kindness, the gift of love on their journey of life. You put people above things, over your to-do lists and between your travel itinerary, grant me the grace to do the same for the sake of salvation of souls, the one mission that unleashes eternity on earth.

Edge God In Podcast Week 23: Jesus Was Interruptible…Are You?

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD PDF: EdgeGodIn Week 22-Jesus Was Interruptible. Are You_ 2

Surround yourself with people who make you a better person in life

Edge God In Podcast 14: Emotional Intelligence in God: Step 1 | Host: Lauren E Miller

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Emotional Intelligence in Christ Project: Book & Course Now Launched

Support Resources: Hearing His Whisper, with Every Storm Jesus Comes Too

Hearing His Whisper:

Holy Spirit, grant me wisdom. Show me who you have created me to be in this world. Help me to see myself as God sees me rather than how I judge myself. I give you permission to remove everything within me that is not of God, that does not glorify Him or make Him recognizable in my life: my judgments…towards self and others…my conclusions about life that are based in story verses reality, including assuming and mind reading. I am nothing without you Lord, and with you I am everything and feel complete, significant and valued. Refresh me Lord so that I remain in you. Have your way with me in spite of myself.

Edge God In Podcast 14: Leadership: Self-Awareness EQ

Self-Awareness => Self-Management

Social Awareness => Relationship Management

Click Here to Download the PDF Edge God In Bible Study for this Podcast: EdgeGodIn Week 13- 1st Step in Emotional Intelligence

Edge God In Podcast 10: Trust Trumps Fear

Dear Lord, help me to know deep in my soul that you have my best interests in mind so much so that no matter what happens around me in life I am able to trust with complete confidence that with you I am safe and loved.

Edge God In Podcast 10: Trust Trumps Fear

Click Here to Download the PDF Edge God In Bible Study for this Podcast: EdgeGodIn Week 10 Trust Trumps Fear