Do not worry about anything but pray about everything…this verse from Phil. 4:6 holds some HUGE promise. If we flip it perhaps it would sounds like this: Pray about everything and you won’t worry about anything.
Easier said than done; however I have been doing my own little internal practice with this using a small prayer to fill in the gaps between focused task mind-space (the mind space that occurs between tasks that require focused attention). A christian brother of mine share a simple prayer that I have made my own. Â It is a prayer that has been used by many Christian warriors to help take captive each thought and make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5) through out history:
“I love you Jesus; I pray for the salvation of souls and I turn my will over to you.”
It is in the gaps between tasks when our mind is prone to wander into those thoughts that come from the serpents of fear; doubt and worry. Â We are told that the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Â We are also told in 1 Peter chapter 5 that when we resist him, standing firm in our faith that he will flee. Our greatest battle occurs between our two ears, this is also the place of our greatest small victories in life that fuel bigger ones.
This week let’s focus on Edging God In to our thought life by choosing a simple small prayer that keeps our mind-focus & thoughts fixed on Jesus, who is the author and perfecter of our faith.
Edge God In to your thoughts, words, deeds and actions today,
Because of His Love,
Lauren <><