“Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.” Phil 2:5
Your attitude is your closest friend or worst enemy and you get to choose it. It is essential to understand the support we have woven within us when it comes to seeing the presence of God throughout the circumstances of our daily life. Â As you read through the gospel of John focus in on the attitude that Jesus had, especially in the midst of conflict. Â He was a solution seeker no matter what surrounded Him.
Jesus also avoided getting emotionally spun because of the opinions of people around Him, He lived outside the “Drug of Approval” and maintained a consistent space of wisdom and love…now, He had the “Son of God” thing going for Him which many have said makes showing up with a positive attitude a lot easier, however, we are also told in scipture that we have the same Spirit that rose Jesus Christ from the dead dwelling within us (Romans 8:11) AND we are told we have the very MIND of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16), two powerful resources to pull from to help fuel a positive, life giving attitude in life.
“God, I want the very mind of Christ as I go through another gift of life today.
May I see, as he did, You in every face I encounter.
Give me Jesus’ thoughts that were not imprisoned by the yoke of slavery to unbridled ambition for status or the unquenchable desire for approval.
I want to choose love & compassion as Jesus did, over fear & judgment.
I want to think and respond as Jesus did: to love for the sake of love alone, untainted by hidden agendas or crevices of lack & scarcity.
Break my heart over the things that broke yours as you walked the earth.
I want to seek to understand over being understood, free from attachment to certain responses.
To be able to respond to criticism with even more love to make up for the lack of it in those moments.
Jesus existed above compliments & complaints, grounded in the purpose for which his heart beat: to be a missionary of love no matter what…I want that same energy and laser focus today so that my God given ability to create beauty in this world flows without restriction & reflects a focused sense of purpose.
God, I believe this is my natural state of being so as you answer this prayer of mine my joy will be complete & my peace will be profound.”
Because of His Love,
Lauren <><