All posts by LaurenEstella

Whose Voice Are You Listening To?

Up Your Faith Factor: Whose Voice are You Listening To? How’s that working out for you?

Edge God In Podcast 68: Are you anxious and fearful in these uncertain times? What does Jesus say about how we should respond in the midst of times like these? Faith is linked to peace and calm. Learn how to use Jesus words to anchor your faith over fear today.

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Learning Objective: Learn the one thing that unleashed healing, calm and peace in the lives of people who followed Jesus.

Scriptures: Luke 7:9 | Luke 7:41 | Luke 8:25 | Luke 8:48 | Luke 8:50 | Luke 9:37-43 | Luke 12:28 | Luke 17:6 | Luke 18:42 | Luke 21:3 | Luke 21:14 | 1 Chronicles 14:10, 14 | Isaiah 31:1 | 1 Corinthians 10

Dear Lord, you would often say: “your faith has made you well, go in peace.” Help us to remember what that feels like to abide in your peace. What it feels like to live by faith rather than sight. Increase our faith factor today. Just like the woman who reached out, touched your cloak and was healed, we reach out to you today for healing for our land. Heal us from all fear, anxiety, worry and doubt. That woman was bound by 12 years and she had faith in you. It’s only been a few weeks and our fears too often override our faith. Come King of Kings, Prince of Peace and heal our land.

Do You Live by Faith or Sight?

The Just Shall Live By Faith Habukkuk 2:4

Edge God In Podcast 67: Are you living by faith or sight? Complete trust and confidence in God or are you rendered in fear by what you see around you? You have a choice which unlocks the supernatural joy and peace of God within you. Listen in and learn what this looks like.

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Learning Objective: Listen how to resurrect your joy and confidence in God in the midst of uncertain circumstances around you.

Scriptures: Habakkuh: 1, 2, 3 | Galatians 3:3 | Zechariah 4:6| Romans 1:17 | Galatians 3:11

Dear God, I want to live by faith not by what I see around me. Remind my mind of what the Holy Spirit knows: you sit on your almighty throne, you are my fortress, deliverer, protector and guide in the eye of the storm. When I can’t see, you see all. When I can’t hear, you hear all. Give strength to my soul to put my hope, trust, faith and confidence in you. Lord, in you I lack nothing and consider everything a loss compared to the riches of your presence within my soul. Make me more aware today than yesterday of the riches and depth of your love for me and may I share that will all those around me.

Are You a Buffalo or a Cow?

Edge God In Podcast 66: How does your behavior reflect the presence of Jesus? Are you setting your mind on things above or below? Are you a buffalo or a cow? Remember the statement: What Would Jesus Do? Lean in and reclaim the joy and peace Christ died to give you today, then share it with the world around you.

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Learning Objective: Listen in and learn a specific tool to create peace in the midst of chaos, calm in the midst of panic.

Scriptures: Colossians 3:2 | Luke 16:19-31 | Luke 4 | 1 Corinthians 14:33 | 1 John 4:18

Dear God, help me. I am in a scarcity mindset. I see fear all around me and I feel myself getting high-jacked into the chaos. You died to set me free from the yoke of slavery to fear. Remind my mind of what my soul always knows: you have already overcome all that I feel is overcoming me today. I reclaim you as Lord in my life. Come into every crevice of fear, scarcity and doubtful thinking. I want to think the way you thinking. Devine intelligence to maintain joy and peace in the eye of the storm. Just as Paul pressed on to grab ahold of all that you called him to, resurrect your strength within me so that people see you in me, your loving, generous presence in the midst of chaos and confession…USE ME to make you recognizable in the midst of it all.

Fear Not!

Edge God In Podcast 65: What are you afraid of? A virus? Not measuring up? Failure? Fear not, the Lord is your refuge and fortress. Do you believe this? You know you do believe when your peace overrides your circumstances.

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Learning Objective: Learn 6 scriptures to cast out fear.

Scriptures: John 15: 1-17 |Mark 8:22-25

Dear God, help me. Too often I find myself listening to the voice of fear in my head. Up my faith factor and help me to arm up for the battle between faith and fear. I want your peace to be my refuge no matter what message of fear is being promoted around me. You have saved me before and I have confidence you will do it again. I believe Lord! Help my unbelief.

The Stress of Striving

Edge God In Podcast 64: Do you ever experience stress as a result of your striving? Your not alone. Big difference as a follower of Christ is that you have an alternative choice to go for opportunities in life. One that is filled with love and peace rather than anxiety and fear.

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Learning Objective: Learn how to strive less and abide in Christ more.

Scriptures: John 15: 1-17 |Mark 8:22-25

Dear God, I am a striver. I often experience a lot of worry and anxiety around the thought of not getting what I want in life. Help me learn how to remain in you and less in me. I want to experience the strength that comes from remaining in you. Help me to go for what you want me to go for. I want to do life with and in you not through my own efforts.

The Only Thing That Counts

Edge God In Podcast 63: Do you ever get lost in the shiny objects around you? Too often it’s easy to forget what really counts in life. Listen in and reflect on what really counts on your journey with God. He is all about lightening the load we place on ourselves so that we can see the beauty around us.

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Learning Objective: Learn and memorize two scriptures that will simplify your faith focus.

Scriptures: Psalm 37:3 |Galatians 5:6 | Colossians 3:12-15

Dear God, too often I have so many things going through my head that I don’t even know what to focus on. Help me to simplify and focus my thought life so that I can speak life into the chaos around me. I want a childlike faith that you want me to have so that no matter how scary the monsters are under my bed I know you have my back and I am safe in you.

Who Told You You’re Naked?

Edge God In Podcast 62: Who told you you’re naked? Are you letting your flesh guide your spirit resulting in fear, shame and embarrassment? Ain’t nobody got time for that…it’s time to let the spirit guide your flesh.

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Learning Objective: Learn how to lean into God’s word to resurrect that Garden of Eden experience you used to have before you took the snake’s bait.

Scriptures: Genesis 3:11 |1 John 4:18 | Romans 10:11 | 1 Peter 2:6 | 2 Corinthians 12:9 | 2 Timothy 1:7

Dear God, help me to have the wisdom, timing and confidence to refute the devils accusations towards me in my life. I want to live in your freedom and become a more relaxed, confident version of me in YOU. Too often I give my flesh permission to guide me into emotions that keep me trapped inside my mind. You said that anyone who believes in you will never be put to shame, that perfect love casts out ALL fear and that you have given me a spirit of power and love…I want more of that today than yesterday. You are the new Adam who died to open the entrance back into the Garden of Eden and that peace that passes all human understanding…lead me on Lord, lead me on. I give my spirit permission to guide my flesh now moving forward in and with you.

With Every Storm Jesus Comes Too

Edge God In Podcast 61: What storm are you facing today? Is it emotional? Physical? Spiritual? Learn how to use specific scriptures to up your faith factor. With every storm Jesus comes too…claim your victory in Christ today.

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Learning Objective: Learn how to up your faith factor in the eye of your storm.

Scriptures: Psalm 23 |Psalm 34:18 | Psalm 121 | John 10: 1-17

Dear God, I’m in a storm and I don’t know how to get out. I can’t do this anymore. Remind my mind that in spite of me coming to the end of my rope it is then that you often do your greatest work. I am willing to believe that even though I feel I can’t go on…YOU CAN do a mighty work in and through me. I believe Lord, help my unbelief. I want to believe that you can do a GREATER work than had this storm never shown up in my life. That’s the kind of faith I want moving forward.

Hearing His Whisper, With Every Storm Jesus Comes Too

Stop Talking to the Snake!

Edge God In Podcast 60: Too often we entertain thoughts to the point of obsession that drag up down and keep us stuck. Obsessive thinking can be stopped at its onset…listen in and learn how.

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Learning Objective: Learn methods to help top obsessive thinking.

Scriptures: Matthew 13:1-23

Dear God, too often I talk to the snake: discouragement, despair, doubt, frustration, fear, worry, dread…Help me Lord I am sinking. Take my hand and pull me out and up, closer to you. I bind, rebuke and cast out all blanket statements that threaten my identity and character in your holy and powerful name!

Anxious? The Surrender Prayer is For You

Edge God In Podcast 59: Anxiety is the ramification of entertaining the thought: “I’m not 100% confident that God “really” has my back or is able to work things out for a greater good than had this trial or setback never occurred.” In today’s podcast you will learn a powerful prayer of response to override anxious thoughts and undesirable outcomes in life.

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Learning Objective: Learn the power of putting into motion Jesus invitation to die to self, take up your cross and FOLLOW Him. Enter into the daily practice of living a surrendered life to Christ. Learn how to turn every anxious thought over to Jesus.

Scriptures: Matthew 16:24-26 |Luke 9:23-25 | 1 Peter 5:7 | Philippians 4:6

Dear God, I want to experience the peace that passes all human understanding. Help me to take up my cross of anxious thinking and cast it onto you BECAUSE YOU CARE FOR ME (1 Peter 5:7). Now moving forward into this New Year I want to activate a response of confident trust that you have my back. Help me to cast ALL my anxiety upon you, to not be anxious about anything…to pray about EVERYTHING. Here we go Lord…you take care of everything. If there is an action you want me to take, I want to take it, quicker today than yesterday. I bring you all that I have, my two fish and five loaves…Jesus, I entrust all that I am to you…you take care of it all. I believe you have my back…help my unbelief.