All posts by LaurenEstella

3 Ways to Freedom in Christ

Edge God In Podcast 87: Check out 3 things that lead to freedom or captivity depending upon how you use them.

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Support Resource: Stop Letting the World Be the Boss of You!

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Learning Objective: Learn 3 things you want to guard to experience the freedom Jesus died to give you. Understand what it looks like for you to be an ambassador for Christ and what you want to master to experience the fullness of that calling.


Whatever is in your heart, your mouth speaks and your mind focuses on. What’s in your heart today?

Heart: Proverbs 4:23 | Psalm 51:17 | Luke 12:33-34 | Matthew 15:18-20 | Matthew 5:8

Mouth: Matthew 12:36 | James 3:5-6 | James 3:10 | Ephesians 4:29

Mind: Philippians 4:8-9 | Colossians 3:2 | Romans 8:6 | 1 Corinthians 2:16 | 2 Corinthians 10:5 | Romans 12:1-2 | Isaiah 26:3

Sweet Jesus, you said that I will have to give an account for every thoughtless, empty, idle, careless word spoken. HELP ME make that a reality in my life. I know it starts in my heart. Blessed are those who are pure in heart, for they shall see God…grant me a pure heart oh Lord and a willing spirit to sustain me as I clean out with your grace and strength the muck in my heart that flows out of my mouth…towards myself and those around me. I give you permission to bump me when I am about to spill out poison to those around me. Help me to begin again in this area…you make ALL things new. Create within me a pure heart oh Lord and renew a steadfast Spirit within me so that only what is good, right, true, beautiful, excellent and edifying to those around me comes through my lips. I consecrate my heart, mouth and mind to you now moving forward. Have your way with me in spite of myself.

Talk Back, Stand Up & Reclaim Your Power in Christ: Part 2

Edge God In Podcast 86: Talk Back, Stand Up & Reclaim Your Power in Christ: 12 Power Verses to Up Your Inner Game with God

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Support Resource: Stop Letting the World Be the Boss of You!

Learning Objective: Learn 12 power scriptures to up your inner game with God. Understand what faith in action looks like for you.

Scriptures: The 6 Power Verses we covered today:

  1. 2 Corinthians 12:10
  2. James 1:2-4
  3. Philippians 4:13
  4. Zechariah 4:6
  5. Galatians 2:20
  6. Romans 8:11

Sweet Jesus, Help me to talk back to the negative thoughts that pop in my mind today. Holy Spirit, empower me with the ability to stand up for faith in my life. I want to let faith guide me moment to moment…from faith to faith to faith. My victory in life depends on you within me and taking EVERY thought captive to make it obedient to Christ!

Talk Back, Stand Up & Reclaim Your Power in Christ: Part 1

Edge God In Podcast 85: Talk Back, Stand Up & Reclaim Your Power in Christ: 12 Power Verses to Up Your Inner Game with God

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Support Resource: Stop Letting the World Be the Boss of You!

Learning Objective: Learn 12 power scriptures to up your inner game with God. Understand what faith in action looks like for you.

Scriptures: The 6 Power Verses we covered today:

  1. Psalm 37:3
  2. Micah 6:8
  3. Deuteronomy 30:19-20
  4. Matthew 10:16-19 and 26-32
  5. Mark 13:11-13
  6. Luke 21:9-15

Sweet Jesus up my inner game so that my outer expressions and behavior make you recognizable in this world. Help me to talk back to the negative thoughts that prevent me and those around me from encountering your love and mercy. I want to stand up for my faith in you more today than yesterday. To be a seed planter of all that is good, right, true, beautiful, excellent and praise worthy in your sit. I am your ambassador, more than EVER make your appeal in this world through me for your glory.

How to Choose Love Over Judgment

Edge God In Podcast 84: How to Choose Love Over Judgment: The Nudge to Judge

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Support Resource: Stop Letting the World Be the Boss of You!

Learning Objective: Learn how to become aware of your nudge to judge and transform it into God’s love.

Scriptures: Matthew 7:1-8| Isaiah 44:21-23

Dear Lord, give me clean hands, give me pure hearts help me to seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly with you. Show me what makes up the plank in my eye. Grant me the grace to see it clearly, each little thing that compromises my reflection of you in this world. I want to be free enough to see people for who they desire to be rather than how their behavior shows up. To speak the truth in love from a place of personal experience with your Saving Grace. More of you God, less of me.

3 Steps to Flip Out of Your Bad Mood

Edge God In Podcast 83: 3 Step Process to Flip Out of Your Bad Mood

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Support Resource: Stop Letting the World Be the Boss of You!

Learning Objective: Learn a 3 step process to flip out of your next bad mood and drop back into the peace and confidence of Christ.

Scriptures: Ephesians 5:13| John 10:10 | Colossians 3:1-4

Dear Lord, I don’t want to be in a bad mood. Help me to flip out of it quicker today than yesterday. It feels so much better when I am abiding in your peace and love. Give me the wisdom and strength to remember I am not my circumstance. I am your child and have your spirit and mind dwelling within me. Resurrect your confident, joy-filled attitude within my thought life so that when people see me they are uplifted and encouraged by your presence in and through me. Help me to die more to myself today than yesterday. I have learned that selfishness and unhappiness walk hand in hand.

The Religion of Evolution

Edge God In Podcast #1

Learning Objective: Understanding how biblical knowledge gives proof to our creation and existence.

Scriptures: Genesis 1:1-2 | Numbers 6:24-26 | Ecclesiastes 1:9

Dear Lord, give us the gift of understanding as we approach the very controversial topic of our existence. This is a hard topic to explain so give us the revelation of knowledge to understand that which you would have for us. We know that the bible gives us answers to all our questions and needs. We ask that God opens up the answers in this area. Let us also take this knowledge to grow our kingdom and fulfill our purpose here in this life.

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Freedom in Christ?

Edge God In Podcast 82: Freedom in Christ: What Does that Look Like for Me?

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Support Resource: How to Connect in the Midst of Disconnect CD

Learning Objective: Understand what it means to experience and live out freedom in Christ. Take action steps to move forward in your life with Christ’s strength, wisdom and guidance.

Scriptures: Exodus 5, 6| Philippians 3:12-13 | Galatians 5:1, 6 | James 1:2-4

Almighty God, I want your freedom. Help me to understand what that means in my life? My words, my thoughts, my actions. I have a choice, to allow myself to be burdened by the yoke of slavery: greed, judgements, looking back, identifying myself with the struggle…OR to link my heart and mind to you. I am set free to serve and glorify YOU. You are in charge. Forgive me for doubting your ability to show up and restore my life and the lives of those around me. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Your miracles followed obedience.

God’s Response to Self-Doubt

Edge God In Podcast 81: God’s Response to Self Doubt

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Support Resource: How to Connect in the Midst of Disconnect CD

Learning Objective: Understand how God responds to your doubt and learn how to follow his lead in the midst of it.

Scriptures: Genesis 37-46| Jeremiah 29:11 | John 10:10 | Exodus 14:14

Sweet Jesus, I give you permission to override my self doubt. Help me to take the “self’ focus out of my circumstance and replace it with devotion to you and your ways in my life. Too often I judge my circumstances based on what I think I’m capable of handling successfully. I’m left with fear, doubt and worry. Remind my mind of the victory that is mine when I abide in you and listen to your plan for my life. Help me to want what you want and to trust in your strength in and through me over mine.

Be Determined to Connect in the Midst of Disconnect

Edge God In Podcast 80: Be Determined to Connect in the Midst of Disconnect

Championing Human Potential in Christ

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Support Resource: How to Connect in the Midst of Disconnect CD

Learning Objective: Review and understand the 3 step process to connect in the midst of disconnect as we learned in the previous Podcast. Learn and apply Joseph’s behavior to help create more bridges than walls in your relationships.

Scriptures: Genesis 37-46| Jeremiah 29:11 | John 10:10 | Exodus 14:14

Sweet Jesus,

I give you permission to override me when my flesh casts me smack in the middle of drama. Get me off of that stage as quickly as possible and back into your lap. Come Holy Spirit and teach me how to live and move and have my being in the presence of my all loving and merciful God. I don’t trust my mind or my tongue, that too often speaks what’s on my mind. Help me to take every thought captive and make it obedient to you. HELP me, I’m sinking. Today, now moving forward I give more authority to your strength, wisdom and love within me than to circumstances around me. I am YOUR ambassador for your GLORY, make your appeal for love and mercy in this world through me. Here I am Lord, SEND ME OUT.

How to Connect in the Midst of Disconnect

Edge God In Podcast 79: How to Connect in the Midst of Disconnect

Championing Human Potential in Christ

Download Bible Study Template

Support Resource: How to Connect in the Midst of Disconnect CD

Learning Objective: Learn and transfer specific behavior modeled by 2 Old Testament God followers to help you connect in the midst of disconnect. Understand the 3 “Rs” to reconnect along with a powerful process to create safe space between two people communicating.

Scriptures: Genesis 27 and 32-33| John 14:25-31

Sweet Jesus, I want a face full of mercy and love because of a personal encounter with you in my heart of hearts. A change of heart is what I want so that I can reflect your presence to the people around me. I want to be your light in the world, a city set on a hill to give light to all who cross my path. Give us clean hands, give us pure hearts and help us humble ourselves before you, call on your name, seek your face and turn away from ugly behavior and evil thoughts, heal our land Lord, use me as a part of your mighty work for restoration. I surrender all that I am to all that you are for the sake of more love and mercy in the relationships you have blessed me with to learn and grow.